5 Most needed features that could make Micmonster a real voiceover monster
Arshad Khan
The current text blocks system is good but the charges it needed are give each block a number while still you are editing it like Azure gives each paragraph a number during editing so we know that on which paragraph are we working on.
increase limit of 12k characters to max level like 30k 40k or 50k at least or more is even better even someone want to hear entire book instead of reading.
no matter if it's just a single paragraph/text block (audio) or multiple it should be always in a project/script means that whenever a script/project is generated and then whenever you want to download something you go to files menu and open script/project first and then download the audios.
There should be at least three options when downloading:
(1) "Download all paragraphs/text blocks as individual audios"(all blocks/paragraphs will be downloaded in single folder and will be automatically assigned numbering in sequence same as the way they were in order in script/project from start to end so it will be easy to recognize the script/project order because if you download it with random voice or project names the order will be unrecognizable and you will have to be listen each audio to know about which one was on the sequence order).
(2) "Download all paragraphs as a single audio".
(3) "Download selected blocks"(there should be a checkbox to each text block, by checking at least one paragraph both "download each text block as a single audios" and " download all text blocks as a single audio" options should be grayed(unclickable) and "download selected text blocks" should be highlighted(clickable), similarly when you don't check any text block "Download select text blocks" should be grayed and other two should be highlighted. So upon clicking "download selected blocks" there should be three drop-down options:
1.) "Download select blocks as a single audio"
Explanation: All checked blocks will be downloaded as a single audio, for example you have 30 paragraph/text blocks and you check 5,9,13,17,18,23,25,26, the system will loop through all paragraphs and only take check paragraphs, unchecked will be ignored and removed. For more clarity please note that the audio should make duration as same as the checked blocks make when you play them, it should not add any silence duration in audio from unchecked paragraphs to make duration longer means that this should not be happen where the audio adds silence as equal as paragraphs from 1 to 4 take by playing, and then it start to play on 5 but then again it adds silence as same as 6 to 8 paragraphs take upon playing and so on. I can understand this clear with another example that when you import a lot of audios and place them in same track in any audio editor lets take reaper daw for an example and then you silence some random audios for any purpose in that track, and upon exporting the duration of that track would not be reduced only silences would be added in those duration where audios were silenced in editing. So what i am telling you is that unchecked should be fully ignored and removed from the audio and only checked should be included, after this there would be no silence parts and also the the duration will be reduced because we ignored and removed others didn't include anything.
2.) "Download all selected blocks in sequence"
Explanation: means that you have 30 paragraph/text blocks and you check 5,9,13,17,18,23,25,26, all checked blocks should be downloaded in the same sequence like 5 should be named 5 not 1, 9 should be named 9 not 2, 13 should be named 13 not 3 and so on, this is the sequence order mean while next option in drop-down should be:
3.) "download selected blocks in order"
Explanation: means that no matter which one you check it should be downloaded always in order for example if you have 30 blocks and choose same blocks which i have mentioned earlier they should be downloaded in order 5 should be 1 not 5, 9 should be 2 not 9, 13 should be 3 not 13 and so on.
Even before generating voiceover the export options should be available I don't like it when you generate first and then go to files menu and then select project and then export options appear.
These are the most waiting features that should be included must for now.
Philip Huynh
Arshad Afridi
Philip Huynh best decision